sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory


SET(CMAKE_C_COMPILER "arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc")
SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++")


savory 咸味|对比 savior|例: It's a delicious cuisine to be savoured
cured 腌的
authentic 地道的
cuisines 美食|对比 cousin
It got variety in the taste 口味变化多

I would also say that making high end Chinese food is not really the goal. Unlike Korean and Japanese food, most Americans (due to history) don’t see Chinese food as “high end”, they see it as “fast food” so the margins are quite small for the restaurant. Why put in a lot of expensive imported ingredients? It raises cost.

Well, even if you don't have this kind of "bad idea", let me tell you that if you say "American Chinese food", then Chinese food is the most fashionable in both San Francisco and New York. If you say the authentic recipe in China, let me tell you that I'm eating at a Cantonese restaurant in Guangdong and replying to you!

I feel a kind of anger from your answer, so why are you so angry? I'm sure you must be a Chinese or related to the interests of Chinese food!

I can guarantee this with my personality.

We shouldn't be so "arrogant". In the eight years of living in China, I am sorry for my prejudice. Yes, that prejudice still exists in my domestic friends.

We should face the facts bravely, instead of reveling in a lie that doesn't exist, and even ridicule some people who expose the facts!

This is a once in a lifetime chance that I will cherish forever.

There is a bird in the tree, there is a apple on the tree.


Although such messages contain no data, they nevertheless consume kernel memory.

Jayde Rossi, actress who gave her likeness to female protagonist of Mass Effect Andromeda.

Steve showed me, and all of us, what it means to serve humanity. We miss him, today and every day, and we'll never forget the example he set for us.

yuv nv12图像保存颜色偏紫


Mat imgYUV = Mat(yuv_info.height * 3 / 2, yuv_info.width, CV_8UC1, yuv_data);
resize(imgYUV, imgYUV, Size(imgYUV.cols / 4, imgYUV.rows / 4), 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR);
Mat read_image_0;
cvtColor(imgYUV, read_image_0, CV_YUV2BGR_NV12);


Mat imgYUV = Mat(yuv_info.height * 3 / 2, yuv_info.width, CV_8UC1, yuv_data);
Mat read_image_0;
cvtColor(imgYUV, read_image_0, CV_YUV2BGR_NV12);
resize(read_image_0, read_image_0, Size(read_image_0.cols / 4, read_image_0.rows / 4), 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR);
imwrite("/tmp/test.jpg", read_image_0);


The close function performs the converse operation of the open function.

There are 12 persons, none of which are students.

The operation of shm_open is analogous to that of open.

My dad isn't that hurt, he just doesn't fully understand the concept of someone not hiring him for his lack of English when he has more experience than most people.

The attorney I've reached out to is willing to take on your case pro bono.

The committee's confrontational style of campaigning has made it unpopular.

As the employer of Mr. Peterson, please accept my sincere apologies for the communication sent by Mr. Peterson to you. Mr. Peterson's communication was inappropriate and inconsistent with our company's values. Our company is an equal opportunity employer and it is proud of its diverse workforce. Indeed, the majority of the employees performing the work for which you applied speak English as a second language and they represent a wide range of backgrounds and nationalities. While it is true that communicating effectively in English is an important part of the job in question, the manner in which Mr. Peterson communicated with you was highly inappropriate and following our investigation he is no longer employed with the company. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and I hope you will accept my sincere apology.

Props to you.

I used to think if there was reincarnation, I wanted to come back as the President or the Pope or a .400 baseball hitter. But now, I want to come back as the bond market. You can intimidate everybody.





mkdir android

cd android

git clone ../Firefly-RK3399_Android7.1.1_git_20170518





