Euhat Expert



Remote File Management

In Local -> FileServer dialog,
  1. click Certificate -> Generate button to generate file server certificate,
  2. click the button right to Share Dir edit box, and select directory for share,
  3. in Visit Code edit box, input the password for clients to access the server,
  4. finally click the Start button to start the file server.
Click Add button in the left bottom corner, this action will create an <Unnamed> item in the left list and a FileMan page in the right side, we can click Del button in the left bottom corner to delete it.
In FileMan page, click Connect button to open connect dialog,
  1. click Certificate -> Generate button to generate file client certificate,
  2. Leave Peer Name empty,
  3. in Ip Addr edit box, input the ip of the remote file server, here we can input to test the local file server,
  4. in Visit Code edit box, input the access password of the remote file server,
  5. click Go button to connect the file server.
When the file server is connected, we can operate the remote directory. Still in the FileMan page, we can click Enter button to jump to any directory we want. Here are the visitable directories we can try:

Clipboard operation between Android and PC

When Android device is connected with Windows through Euhat Expert, we can share clipboard data between them,

Copy photos from Android to PC

Because of Google Scoped Storage policy, in new Android phones, apps usually don't able to visit the whole file system.
Now as following steps, we can copy photos to PC.
  1. Open bundled file manager in Android OS. If we want selfie photos, click into "/sdcard/DCIM/Camera"; If we want screen shots, click into "/sdcard/DCIM/Screenshots".
  2. It's nice when we can preview the picture files in the file manager, so we can directly copy the pictures we want to the directory "/sdcard/Android/data/com.euhat.euhatexpert/files".
  3. After connecting Euhat Expert in PC with Euhat Expert in Android, we can see the picture files we want are clearly listing in the remote file list. Select and copy them to a local directory.

Work Trace Visualization

In Local -> WorkTrace page, we can view the mount of the keyboard and mouse operation.

Clock In & Clock Out Inform

At the top right corner, click the tool button, this will open Setting dialog, click Work Trace in the left list, then we can setup the time of our clock in and clock out.



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